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Walton, Jo. My Real Children. Tor 2014.

Walton, Jo. My Real Children
Divergence: c 1949 CE
What if: History began slowly following two different courses in the early 1950s, but in both there is advanced progress in space exploration, with moon bases and space stations by 1980.
Summary: A "very confused" elderly woman remembers the two different lives she led after accepting/rejecting a marriage proposal in 1949. In one she is trapped for many years in a traditional life in a Britain that becomes more culturally liberal in the following decades, while in the other she lives in a non-traditional relationship in a Britain that becomes more repressive.
Series note: Earliest point of historical divergence of either life is not explicitly shown. In one it may be a chance meeting with Alan Turing in 1951, possibly leading to his longer life, while in the other it seems to the peaceful settlement of the Suez Crisis in 1956 before the tripartite invasion.
Published: Tor 2014 (0765332655BUY), 2015 (076533268XBUY).
Awards: Finalist: 2014 Sidewise Award for best long-form alternate history.