Lodi-Ribeiro, Gerson. "O Preço da Sanidade"
Title trans.: "The Price of Sanity"
What if: The 1989 Brazilian presidential election was won by L. Lula and not by Fernando Collor
de Mello. Several subsequent Labor Party governments finally succeed in developing Brazil,
until a military coup c. 2004.
Summary: A former xenologist and political prisoner obtains definitive proof of the existence of
alien intelligent beings in a First Contact.
Published: In Somnium #60 (May 1993); Outras Histórias…, Caminho 1997; and
Outros Brasis, Papel & Virtual 1999.
Original in: Portuguese.
Translation: French by Sérgio Rodrigues as "Le Prix de la Conscience", in La Clepsydre #1.
Web link: Gerson Lodi-Ribeiro's homepage
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