The Sidewise Awards for Alternate History

The judges for the Sidewise Awards for Alternate History are pleased to announce the short list of finalists for the 2023 Sidewise Awards. The winners will be announced at Glasgow 2024: A Worldcon for Our Futures, taking place in Glasgow, Scotland, the weekend of August 8-12, 2024.

Finalists for
Best Short-Form Alternate History

Rosemary Smith. "Apollo in Retrograde"
In Analog Science Fiction & Fact Nov.-Dec. 2023

Mark Ciccone. "Toe-to-Toe"
In If We'd Just Got That Penalty (ed. Gary Oswald),
Sea Lion Press 2023

Finalists for
Best Long-Form Alternate History

Francis Spufford. Cahokia Jazz
Faber & Faber 2023 (also Scribner 2024)

Sandra Newman. Julia
Mariner Books 2023

Josh Weiss. Sunset Empire
Grand Central Publishing 2023

Harry Turtledove. The Wages of Sin

The Sidewise Awards have been presented annually since 1995 to recognize excellence in alternate historical fiction.

This year's panel of judges included Eileen Gunn, Matt Mitrovich, Olav Rokne, Kurt Sidaway, and Steven H Silver.

Please address all inquiries and correspondence to the awards secretary, Steven H Silver.