Morganfield, T.L. The One World
Divergence: 1520 CE
What if: The Aztecs defeated Cortes's invasion.
Series note: Series of short stories.
Morganfield, T.L. "Night Bird Soaring"
Divergence: 1520 CE
Summary: Six centuries later, an Aztec lad chosen for sacrifice at the age of 29 trains to
become an astronaut.
Series note: A One World story.
Published: In Greatest Uncommon Denominator #3 (Autumn 2008).
Awards: Finalist: 2008 Sidewise Award for best short-form alternate history.
Web link: Greatest Uncommon Denominator
Morganfield, T.L. "The Place that Makes You Happiest"
Divergence: 1520 CE
Summary: An astronaut visits a dying friend and learns he plans a sacrifice to assist her first
Series note: A One World story.
Published: In Paradox #13 (Spring 2009).
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