Novik, Naomi. His Majesty's Dragon. Ballantine/Del Rey 2006.
Novik, Naomi. Temeraire
What if: Dragons exist, and were first tamed at least 2000 years ago.
Summary: An alternative Napoleonic era, in which dragons are used as aerial forces in warfare.
However, despite two millennia of such tactics, history seems little changed.
Series note: Series including His Majesty's Dragon (v.t. Temeraire), Throne of Jade,
Black Powder War, Empire of Ivory, Victory of Eagles, Tongues of Serpents,
Crucible of Gold, Blood of Tyrants, and League of Dragons. The first three
volumes are also collected as Temeraire: In the Service of the King (v.t., In His
Majesty's Service).
Novik, Naomi. His Majesty's Dragon [vt Temeraire]
Summary: A British sea captain captures a Chinese dragon carried by a French ship, and becomes a
dragon aviator, participating in repelling Napoleon's airborne invasion of Britain.
Series note: First volume of Temeraire.
Published: As His Majesty's Dragon, Ballantine/Del Rey 2006 (0345481283BUY), Subterranean
2008 (1596061480BUY).
Published: As Temeraire, HarperCollins UK/Voyager 2006 (0007219091, 0007219113), 2007 (0007258712).
Original in: English.
Translation: Polish by Paweł Kruk as Smok Jego Królewskiej Mości, Rebis 2007
Translation: Portuguese by Edmo Suassuna Filho as O Dragão de Sua Majestade, Galera
Record 2010.
Novik, Naomi. Throne of Jade
Summary: The Chinese demand the return of the celestial dragon Temeraire to the Middle Kingdom.
Series note: Second volume of Temeraire.
Published: Ballantine/Del Rey 2006 (0345481291BUY), HarperCollins UK/Voyager 2006 (0007219121),
Subterranean 2008 (1596062088BUY).
Original in: English.
Translation: Polish by Paweł Kruk as Nefrytowy Tron, Rebis 2007 (9788373019430).
Novik, Naomi. Black Powder War
Summary: Temeraire is drawn into intrigue in Instanbul and fighting Napoleon's dragons during
the attack on the Fourth Coalition.
Series note: Third volume of Temeraire.
Published: Ballantine/Del Rey 2006 (0345481305BUY), HarperCollins/Voyager UK 2007 (0007219156,
0007219172), Subterranean 2008 (159606207XBUY).
Original in: English.
Translation: Polish by Paweł Kruk as Wojna Prochowa, Rebis 2008 (9788373019447).
Novik, Naomi. Empire of Ivory
Series note: Fourth volume of Temeraire.
Published: Ballantine/Del Rey 2007 (0345496876BUY); HarperCollins UK/Voyager 2007 (0007256736),
2008 (0007256744).
Original in: English.
Translation: Polish by Jan Pyka as Imperium kości słoniowej, Rebis 2008 (9788375101768).
Novik, Naomi. Victory of Eagles
Series note: Fifth volume of Temeraire.
Published: Ballantine/Del Rey 2008 (0345496884BUY), 2009 (0345512251BUY), HarperCollins/Voyager
2008 (0007256752, 0007259158).
Original in: English.
Translation: German by Marianne Schmoidt as Drachenwacht, Penhaligon 2009 (3764530154BUY).
Translation: Polish by Jan Pyka as Zwycięstwo orłw, Rebis 2009 (9788375103625).
Novik, Naomi. Tongues of Serpents
Series note: Sixth volume of Temeraire.
Published: Del Rey 2010 (0345496892BUY); and HarperCollins UK/Voyager 2010 (0007256779, 0007259166).
Original in: English.
Translation: Polish by Jan Pyka as Języki Węży, Rebis 2010 (9788375105070).
Novik, Naomi. Crucible of Gold
Series note: Seventh volume of Temeraire.
Published: Del Rey 2012 (0345522869BUY).
Original in: English.
Translation: French by Guillaume Fournier as Le trésor des incas, Le Pré aux
Clercs 2012 (2842284976BUY).
Translation: German by Marianne Schmidt as Drachengold, Penhaligon 2012 (3764530731BUY),
Blanvalet 2014 (344226989XBUY).
Translation: Polish by Jan Pyka as Prób.
Novik, Naomi. Blood of Tyrants
Series note: Eighth volume of Temeraire.
Published: Del Rey 2013 (0345522893BUY), 2014 (0007569084BUY).
Original in: English.
Translation: French by Guillaume Fournier as Téméraire, 8. Le Sang des tyrans, Le
Pré aux Clercs 2013 (284228531XBUY), Pocket 2014 (2266247786BUY).
Translation: German by Marianne Schmidt as Drachenfeind, Penhaligon 2014 (376453074XBUY).

Novik, Naomi. League of Dragons. Del Rey 2016.
Novik, Naomi. League of Dragons
Series note: Ninth and final volume of Temeraire.
Published: Del Rey 2016 (0345522923BUY).
Novik, Naomi. Temeraire: In the Service of the King [vt In His Majesty's Service]
Series note: Omnibus edition of the first three volumes of the Temeraire series.
Published: As Temeraire: In the Service of the King, SFBC 2006.
Published: As In His Majesty's Service, Ballantine/Del Rey 2009 (0345513541BUY).
Uchronia is copyright © 1991-2025 Robert B. Schmunk