Womack, Jack. Terraplane: A Novel. Tor 1990.
Womack, Jack. Dryco Novels
Divergence: 1861 CE
What if: Lincoln was murdered in Baltimore on the way to his inauguration, and Teddy Roosevelt
freed the slaves in 1905. Later, Zangara killed FDR and World War II ended when the Soviet
Union dropped the bomb on Berlin.
Series note: Series about Earth's more violent near future, with alternative history content in
Terraplane, Elvissey, and Going, Going, Gone. Other, apparently
non-allohistorical volumes in the series are Ambient and Heathern.
Comments: Although 1861 is the obvious divergence point, there are two references in
Terraplane to the existence of an Albigensian form of the Catholic church.

Womack, Jack. Terraplane: A Novel. Translated to the French as Terraplane: roman, Denoël 1991.
Womack, Jack. Terraplane: A Novel
Divergence: 1861 CE
Summary: Fleeing capture by competitors in an ultra-violent future Moscow, corporate agents end
up in the 1939 New York of a different past and are aided by two former slaves.
Series note: A Dryco novel.
Published: Weidenfeld & Nicholson 1988 (1555841651); Unwin Hyman 1989 (004440302XBUY); Unwin
1990 (0044406169); Tor 1990 (0812506235BUY); Grafton 1991 (0586213414); Grove 1998
Original in: English.
Translation: French by Jean Bonnefoy as Terraplane: roman, Denoël 1991 (2207305236).
Translation: German by Walter Brumm as Terraplane, Heyne 1991 (3453049861).

Womack, Jack. Elvissey. Translated to the French as L'Elvissée, Denoël 1995.

Womack, Jack. Elvissey. Grove 1997.
Womack, Jack. Elvissey
Divergence: 1861 CE
Summary: Two agents from the future go back to the alternative world's 1953 to kidnap the analog
of their messiah, Elvis Presley.
Series note: A Dryco novel.
Published: Tor 1993 (0312852029BUY); HarperCollins UK 1993 (0246138394), 1994 (0586213015);
Easton 1993; Diane 1993 (0788151177); Grove 1997 (0802134955BUY).
Original in: English.
Translation: French by Jean Bonnefoy as L'Elvissée, Denoël 1995 (2207305554).
Translation: German by Bernhard Kempen as Elvissey, Bastei-Lübbe 1994 (3404241819).
Awards: Winner: 1994 Philip K. Dick Award.
Womack, Jack. Going, Going, Gone
Divergence: 1861 CE
Summary: In the alternative world's 1968, a man with certain talents in distributing
psychoactive substances is coerced into getting to know a member of the Kennedy family. But
why is he seeing ghosts and who are the two mysterious women who search him out because of it?
Series note: A Dryco novel.
Published: HarperCollin UK/Voyager 2000 (0006511058); Grove 2001 (080211685XBUY).
Uchronia is copyright © 1991-2025 Robert B. Schmunk