McAuley, Paul J. Pasquale's Angel. Morrow 1995.

McAuley, Paul J. Pasquale's Angel. Translated to the French as Les Conjurés de Florence, Denoël 1998.

McAuley, Paul J. Pasquale's Angel. Translated to the German as Pasquales Florenz, Bastei-Lübbe 1997.
McAuley, Paul J. Pasquale's Angel
Divergence: c 1470 CE
What if: Leonardo da Vinci, the Great Engineer, kicked off the Industrial Revolution three
centuries early.
Summary: In 1518 Florence, artist Pasquale and journalist Niccolo Machiavegli investigate a
locked-tower murder with implications of possible war with Spain and papal Rome.
Series note: Story "The Temptation of Dr. Stein" is also set in this timeline.
Published: Gollancz 1994 (0575054891), 1995 (0575059176); Morrow/AvoNova 1995 (0688141544BUY);
Avon 1997 (0380778203BUY); and Orion/Millennium 1999 (1857989090).
Original in: English.
Translation: French by Olivier Deparis as Les Conjurés de Florence, Denoël 1998
(2207245624); Gallimard/Folio 2004 (2070302865). (Note: The Gallimard edition also includes
the related story "La tentation du Dr Stein", translated from "The Temptation of Dr. Stein"
by Marie-Catherine Caillava.).
Translation: German as Pasquales Florenz. Ein Renaissance-Roman, Eichborn 1995,
Bastei-Lübbe 1997 (3404127099).
Translation: Portuguese by João Barreiros as {A Invençáo de Leonardo,
Saída de Emergência 2005.
Awards: Winner: 1995 Sidewise Award for best long-form alternate history. Nominee: 1995 Arthur
C. Clarke Award.
McAuley, Paul J. "The Temptation of Dr. Stein"
Series note: Set in the same timeline as Pasquale's Angel.
Published: In The Mammoth Book of Frankenstein (ed. Stephen Jones), Robinson 1994
(185487330X); The Best New Horror: Volume Six (ed. Stephen Jones), Raven 1995
(1854874217); Asimov's Science Fiction, January 1996; and The Invisible Country,
Gollancz 1996 (0575060727BUY), 1997 (0575601892BUY), Harper/Eos 1998 (0380792990BUY).
Original in: English.
Translation: French by Marie-Catherine Caillava as "La tentation du Dr Stein", in Aventures
Lointaines 01, Denoël 1999 (2207249565); and Les Conjurés de Florence,
Gallimard/Folio 2004 (2070302865).
Translation: Greek by Christodoulos Litharis as "O Pirasmos tou Doctoros Stein", in Apagorevmenos
Planitis #4 (January-February 1997).
Translation: Italian by Gianni Pilo as "La tentazione del dottor Stein", in Tutte le storie di
Frankenstein (ed. Stephen Jones), Newton & Compton 1996 (8881831996).
Uchronia is copyright © 1991-2025 Robert B. Schmunk