Anthologies and Collections
Found 118 matches; displaying matches 1-100.
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Adams, Robert, and Pamela Crippen Adams (eds.). Alternatives
Adams, Robert, Martin H. Greenberg, and Pamela Crippen Adams (eds.). Robert Adams' Book of Alternate Worlds
Anders, Lou (ed.). Sideways in Crime: An Alternate Mystery Anthology
Anderson, Kevin J. (ed.). War of the Worlds: Global Dispatches
Andersson, Lars M., and Ulf Zander (eds.). Tänk om… Nio kontrafaktiska essär
Armer, Karl Michael (ed.). Hiroshima soll leben! Die schönsten Alternativwelt-Geschichten
Baxter, John. The Alternate Luftwaffe
Baxter, John. Trägerflotten: The Kriegsmarine's Carrier Fleets and Their Aircraft in World War II
Bear, Elizabeth. New Amsterdam
Behr, Hans. Om det danske spørgsmål: en antologi: roman
Benford, Gregory, and Martin H. Greenberg (eds.). Hitler Victorious: Eleven Stories of the German Victory in World War II
Benford, Gregory, and Martin H. Greenberg (eds.). What Might Have Been? Volume 1: Alternate Empires
Benford, Gregory, and Martin H. Greenberg (eds.). What Might Have Been? Volume 2: Alternate Heroes
Benford, Gregory, and Martin H. Greenberg (eds.). What Might Have Been? Volume 3: Alternate Wars
Benford, Gregory, and Martin H. Greenberg (eds.). What Might Have Been? Volume 4: Alternate Americas
Bernobich, Beth. The Time Roads
Borden, Morton, and Otis L. Graham, Jr. Speculations on American History
Brack, Duncan, and Iain Dale (eds.). Prime Minister Portillo… and other things that never happened: A Collection of Political Counterfactuals
Brack, Duncan (ed.). President Gore… and other things that never happened: A Second Collection of Political Counterfactuals
Brodersen, Kai (ed.). Virtuelle Antike. Wendepunkte der Alten Geschichte
Chamberlin, Joseph Edgar. The Ifs of History
Comins, Neil F. What If the Earth had Two Moons? And Nine Other Thought-Provoking Speculations on the Solar System
Comins, Neil F. What If the Moon Didn't Exist? Voyages to Earths that Might Have Been
Cowley, Robert (ed.). What If? 2: Eminent Historians Imagine What Might Have Been [vt More What If? Eminent Historians Imagine What Might Have Been]
Cowley, Robert (ed.). What If? The World's Foremost Military Historians Imagine What Might Have Been
Cowley, Robert (ed.). What Ifs? of American History: Eminent Historians Imagine What Might Have Might Have Been [vt What If? America: Eminent Historians Imagine What Might Have Might Have Been]
Czerneda, Julie E., and Isaac Szpindel (eds.). ReVisions
Dahlberg, Rasmus (ed.). En anden historie, Ni alternative Danmarkshistorier
Dahlberg, Rasmus. Det afgørende øjeblik: Historiens åbne situationer
Dann, Jack, and Gardner Dozois (eds.). Futures Past
Dann, Jack. Promised Land: Stories of Another America
Deutsch, Harold, and Dennis Showalter (eds.). What If? Strategic Alternatives of WWII [vt If the Allies Had Fallen: Sixty Alternate Scenarios of World War II]
Di Filippo, Paul. Lost Pages
Dozois, Gardner, and Stanley Schmidt (eds.). Roads Not Taken: Tales of Alternate History
Ferguson, Niall (ed.). Virtual History: Alternatives and Counterfactuals
Gerrold, David. Alternate Gerrolds
Gevers, Nick, and Jay Lake (eds.). Other Earths
Gilman, Laura Anne (ed.). Worlds that Weren't
Greenberg, Martin H. (ed.). The Way It Wasn't: Great Science Fiction Stories of Alternate History
Greenberg, Martin H. (ed.). We Could Do Worse: A Millennial Collection of Alternate Histories
Greenfield, Jeff. Then Everything Changed: Stunning Alternate Histories of American Politics: JFK, RFK, Carter, Ford, Reagan
Hancock, Nick. What Didn't Happen Next: Nick Hancock's Alternative History of Football
Hearnshaw, F.J.C. The "Ifs" of History
Hite, Kenneth, Craig Neumeier, and Michael Schiffer. GURPS Alternate Earths
Hite, Kenneth, Craig Neumeier, and Michael Schiffer. GURPS Alternate Earths II
Kennedy, Chris, and James Young (eds.). Those in Peril
Kennedy, Chris, and James Young (eds.). To Slip the Surly Bonds
Kennedy, Chris, and James Young (eds.). Trouble in the Wind
LaSalle, Mick, Walter Addiego, Neva Chonin, Jane Ganahl, Peter Hartlaub, Leba Hertz, Ruthe Stein, Aidin Vaziri, David Wiegand, and Steven Winn. "Happy 80th birthday, Ms. Monroe. What paths might your life have taken?"
Levine, Herbert M. (ed.). What If the American Political System Were Different?
Levine, Stephen (ed.). New Zealand as It Might Have Been: 15 Scenarios of Alternate History
Ley, Sandra (ed.). Beyond Time
Lobel, Andrea D., and Mark Shainblum (eds.). Other Covenants: Alternate Histories of the Jewish People
Lodi-Ribeiro, Gerson, and Carlos Orsi Martinho (eds.). Phantastica Brasiliana
Lodi-Ribeiro, Gerson. Ensaios de História Alternativa
Macintyre, Stuart, and Sean Scalmer (eds.). What If? Australian History as it Might Have Been
Macksey, Kenneth (ed.). The Hitler Options: Alternate Decisions of World War II
Malzberg, Barry N. In the Stone House
Markham, J. David, and Mike Resnick (eds.). History Revisited: The Great Battles: Eminent Historians Take On the Great Works of Alternative History
Morgan, Glyn, and Charul Palmer-Patel (eds.). Sideways in Time: Critical Essays on Alternate History Fiction
Nicolazzini, Piergiorgio (ed.). I mondi del possibile
Niemi, Mari K., and Ville Pernaa (eds.). Entä jos… Vaihtoehtoinen Suomen historia
North, Jonathan (ed.). The Napoleon Options: Alternate Decisions of the Napoleonic Wars
Oth, René (ed.). Schöne verkehrte Welt: phantastische Geschichten zur Geschichte
Piper, H. Beam. Paratime!
Pohanka, Reinhard. Kein Denkmahl für Maria Theresia: Ein alternative Geschichte Österreichs
Polsby, Nelson W. (ed.). What If? Explorations in Social-Science Fiction
Reasoner, James (ed.). Tales of the Otherverse: Stories of Alternate History
Resnick, Mike (ed.). Alternate Kennedys
Resnick, Mike (ed.). Alternate Outlaws
Resnick, Mike (ed.). Alternate Presidents
Resnick, Mike (ed.). Alternate Tyrants
Resnick, Mike (ed.). Alternate Warriors
Resnick, Mike (ed.). Alternate WorldCons
Resnick, Mike (ed.). Alternate WorldCons / Again, Alternate WorldCons
Resnick, Mike, and Martin H. Greenberg (eds.). By Any Other Fame
Resnick, Mike, and Patrick Nielsen Hayden (eds.). Alternate Skiffy
Resnick, Mike. The Other Teddy Roosevelts
Roberts, Andrew (ed.). What Might Have Been: Leading Historians on Twelve 'What Ifs' of History
Rosenfeld, Gavriel D. (ed.). What Ifs of Jewish History: From Abraham to Zionism
Rossi, Matthew. Things That Never Were: Fantasies, Lunacies & Entertaining Lies
Rountree, Josh. Can't Buy Me Faded Love
Ruaud, André-François (ed.). Passés recomposés: Anthologie uchronique
Saberhagen, Joan Spicci, and Robert E. Vardeman (eds.). Golden Reflections
Salewski, Michael (ed.). Was wäre, wenn: Alternativ- und Parallelgeschichte: Bruecken zwischen Phantasie und Wirklichkeit
Santos, Octávio dos (ed.). A República Nunca Existiu!
Shainblum, Mark, and John Dupuis (eds.). Arrowdreams: An Anthology of Alternate Canadas
Silver, Steven H, and Joshua Palmatier (eds.). Alternate Peace
Silverberg, Robert (ed.). Worlds of Maybe: Seven Stories of Science Fiction
Silverberg, Robert. Le nez de Cléopâtre
Simon, Erik (ed.). Alexanders langes Leben, Stalins früher Tod und andere abwegige Geschichten: Erzaehlungen und Berichte aus Parallelwelten
Snowman, Daniel (ed.). If I Had Been…, Ten Historical Fantasies
Squire, J.C. (ed.). If It Had Happened Otherwise: Lapses Into Imaginary History [vt If: or, History Rewritten]
Stirling, S.M. (ed.). Drakas!
Tally, Steve. Almost America: From the Colonists to Clinton: A "What If" History of the U.S.
Thomsen, Brian M., and Martin H. Greenberg (eds.). Alternate Gettysburgs
Thomsen, Brian M., and Martin H. Greenberg (eds.). A Date Which Will Live in Infamy: An Anthology of Pearl Harbor Stories That Might Have Been
Townson, Nigel (ed.). Historia virtual de España (1870-2004): ¿Qué hubiera pasado si…?
Tsouras, Peter G. (ed.). Battle of the Bulge: Hitler's Alternate Scenarios
Tsouras, Peter G. (ed.). Cold War Hot: Alternate Decisions in the East-West Struggle [vt Cold War Hot: Alternate Decisions of the Cold War]
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