Nicolazzini, Piergiorgio (ed.). I mondi del possibile. Nord 1993.
Nicolazzini, Piergiorgio (ed.). I mondi del possibile
Title trans.: Worlds of the Possible
Comments: An anthology collecting Italian translations of Greg Bear's
"Scattershot", Stephen Vincent Benét's "The Curfew
Tolls", David Brin's "Thor Meets Captain America", Winston S. Churchill's
"If Lee had not Won the Battle of Gettysburg", L. Sprague de Camp's
"The Round-Eyed Barbarians", Karen Joy Fowler's "Game Night
at the Fox and Goose", Randall Garrett's "A Matter of Gravity", Edward
Everett Hale's "Hands Off", Nancy Kress's "And Wild for to
Hold", Brad Linaweaver's "Moon of Ice", Barry N. Malzberg's
"In the Stone House", James Morrow's "Bible Stories for
Adults, No. 31: The Covenant", Kim Newman's "Übermensch!", Kim
Stanley Robinson's "The Lucky Strike", Kim Stanley Robinson's
"Remaking History", Carter Scholz's "The Ninth Symphony of
Ludwig van Beethoven and Other Lost Songs", William Shirer's "If Hitler Had
Won World War II", Harry Turtledove's "The Last Article", and Stephen
Utley and Howard Waldrop's "Custer's Last Jump", plus a long introduction
and bibliographical notes material by Nicolazzini.
Published: Nord 1993 (8842907405).
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