Brin, David, and Scott Hampton. The Life Eaters. DC Comics 2003.
Brin, David. "Thor Meets Captain America"
What if: Nazi rituals resurrected the Norse pantheon, but Loki went over to the Allies.
Summary: A captured American officer about to be sacrificed comes face-to-face with the god of
Series note: Retold and expanded in graphic novel form as The Life Eaters by Brin and Scott Hampton.
Published: In The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, July 1986; Hitler
Victorious (eds. Gregory Benford and Martin H. Greenberg), q.v.; and The River of
Time, Bantam 1987 (0553262815).
Original in: English.
Translation: French by Yannick Mathé as "L'amérique n'a pas Thor", in Fiction #382.
Translation: French by Laurence Le Maire as "L'amérique n'a pas Thor", in Les
Sphègres de Cristal Imaginaires Sans Frontiègres 2003 (2847270183).
Translation: Greek by Thanasis Vebos as "Thor Enantion Captain America", in An to
Trito Raix (ed. Thanasis Vebos), q.v.
Translation: Italian by Roberta Formenti as "Sulle ali degli dègi", in I
mondi del possibile (ed. Piergiorgio Nicolazzini), q.v.
Translation: Polish by Dorota Malinowska as "Thor spotyka Kapitana Ameryke", in Fantastyka, June 1989.
Translation: Spanish by Domingo Santos as "Thor se enfrenta al Capitán América", in
Hitler Victorioso (eds. Gregory Benford and Martin H. Greenberg), q.v.
Awards: Winner: 1987 Locus Poll for best novelette. Nominee: 1987 Hugo for best novelette.
Brin, David, and Scott Hampton. The Life Eaters
Series note: Expanded version of "Thor Meets Captain America", in graphic novel form.
Published: DC Comics 2003 (1401200982BUY).
Original in: English.
Translation: French by Lucas Moreno as D-Day, le jour du désastre, Humanoïdes
Associés 2004 (2731663529).
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