Bernobich, Beth. The Time Roads. Tor 2014.
Bernobich, Beth. The Time Roads
Summary: Collection or fix-up novel of the stories "A Flight of Numbers Fantastique Strange",
"The Golden Octopus", Ars Memoriae, and "The Time Roads".
Comments: The short stories were initially referred to as the Eireann sequence.
Published: Tor 2014 (076533125XBUY).
Bernobich, Beth. "The Golden Octopus"
Summary: The young queen of an 1800s Ireland tells the story of a physicist trying to invent
time travel.
Series note: First story in The Time Roads.
Published: In Postscripts #15 (Summer 2008); The Year's Best Science Fiction & Fantasy, 2009
Edition (ed. Rich Horton), Prime 2010 (1607012146BUY); and The Time Roads, Tor 2014
Bernobich, Beth. "A Flight of Numbers Fantastique Strange"
Series note: Second story in The Time Roads.
Published: In Asimov's Science Fiction June 2006, and The Time Roads, Tor 2014 (076533125XBUY).

Bernobich, Beth. Ars Memoriae. PS Publishing 2009.
Bernobich, Beth. Ars Memoriae
Series note: Third story in The Time Roads.
Published: PS Publishing 2009 (1906301719BUY, 1906301700BUY), and The Time Roads, Tor 2014
Bernobich, Beth. "The Time Roads"
Series note: Fourth story in The Time Roads.
Published: The Time Roads, Tor 2014 (076533125XBUY).
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