Alternate History Reference Material
Found 143 matches; displaying matches 101-143.
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Morlok, Andreas. "The Domination of the Draka oder: 'You don't know, how happy you are, boys!'"
Morton, Michael. "Introduction to Sealion"
Mota, Pedro. "Au travers du Prisme: Pour un panorama de l'uchronie en France"
Nati, Maurizio. ""La storia ci sfioria appena" appunti su "The Man in the High Castle""
Nicholls, Peter. The Science in Science Fiction
Nicolazzini, Piergiorgio. "Presentazione"
Norman, Neil. "World War II: The Rewrite"
Patton, Phil. "Lee Defeats Grant"
Pierce, John J. Great Themes of Science Fiction: A Study in Imagination and Evolution
Pizzo, Gian Filippo. "Il sogno e l'incubo del IV Reich"
Pollack, Andrew. "Japanese refight the war, and win, in pulp fiction"
Reardon, Patrick T. "Remaking history: 'What if' questions send scholars on a trip down the roads not taken"
Rittenhouse, James. "História Alternativa"
Rosenfeld, Gavriel. Hi Hitler!: How the Nazi Past Is Being Normalized in Contemporary Culture
Rosenfeld, Gavriel. "What if the Nazis had won? One fantasy imagines a more moderate Hitler"
Rosenfeld, Gavriel. "Why Do We Ask "What If?" Reflections on the Function of Alternate History"
Saint-Gelais, Richard. L'empire du pseudo. Modernités de la science-fiction
Schmunk, Robert B., and Evelyn C. Leeper. "The Year It Might Have Been: An Alternate History Divergence List"
Serena, Yigal. "Chazon achurban shell Rupin aben"
Shetterly, Will. "The Captain's Story"
Shippey, Tom, and Brian Stableford. "History in SF"
Smilenski, Izhar. "Ilu shell chas vechalila"
Smoler, Fredric. "Past Tense"
Snider, Adam. "Thinking Sidewise: Tips for building an Alternate History collection"
Stableford, Brian. "Alternate Worlds"
Stableford, Brian. "An Introduction to Alternate Worlds"
Stableford, Brian. "A Note on Alternate History"
Stableford, Brian. "Parallel Worlds"
Teitelbaum, Sheldon. "Playing with History"
Thomann, Jürgen. "Leben im Konditional. Alternative Welten und ihre Relevanz. Einführung in das Genre der Alternate History"
Tirghe, Carl. "Pax Germanicus in the future-historical"
Trudeau, Noah Andre. "What Might Have Been"
Tucholsky, Kurt. "Was wäre, wenn…?"
Turtledove, Harry. "_untitled_"
Van Herp, Jacques. "Dans les corridors de l'espace-temps"
Versins, Pierre. Encyclopédie de l'utopie, des voyages extraordinaires et de la science fiction
Vial, Eric, and Stéphane Nicot. "Les Seigneurs de l'Histoire"
Weinrib, Eliezer. "Ma haya ilu"
Winthrop-Young, Geoffrey. "Fallacies and Thresholds: Notes on the Early Evolution of Alternate History"
Winthrop-Young, Geoffrey. "The Rise and Fall of Norse America: Vikings, Vinland and Alternate History"
Winthrop-Young, Geoffrey. "The Third Reich in Alternate History: Aspects of a Genre-Specific Depiction of Nazism"
Wolfe, Gary. "Surfing the multiverse: The 'many worlds' of quantum mechanics spawned many more of science fiction"
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