Baxter, Stephen. Voyage
Divergence: 1963 CE
What if: Although badly wounded and out of office since 1964, John F. Kennedy was alive in 1969
to see the first moon landing.
Summary: Kennedy's urging prompts the Nixon administration to direct NASA's next efforts toward
a Mars landing, which takes place in 1986.
Series note: The Baxter and Bradshaw story "Prospero One" is also set in this timeline.
Published: HarperCollins UK 1996 (0002246163); HarperPrism 1997 (0061052582BUY);
HarperCollins/Voyager 1997 (0006480373BUY); HarperPaperbacks 1997 (0061057088BUY); and
Harper/Voyager 2015 (0008134510BUY).
Original in: English.
Translation: French by Guy Abadia as Voyage, J'ai lu 1999 (vol. 1, 2277260150; vol. 2,
2277260169), 2003 (vol. 1, 2290325414; vol. 2, 2290325422).
Translation: German as Mission Ares, Heyne 1998 (3453148681).
Awards: Winner: 1996 Sidewise Award for best long-form alternate history. Nominee: 1997 Arthur
C. Clarke Award.
Baxter, Stephen, and Simon Bradshaw. "Prospero One"
Divergence: 1963 CE
Summary: The single flight of Britain's very brief space program.
Series note: Set in the same timeline as Baxter's Voyage.
Published: In Interzone #112 (October 1996); and in Baxter's The Hunters of Pangaea, NESFA
2004 (1886778493).
Uchronia is copyright © 1991-2025 Robert B. Schmunk