Belloc, Hilaire. "If Drouet's Cart had Stuck"
Divergence: 1793 CE
What if: Louis XVI escaped Paris and was not executed.
Summary: Following Lafayette's defeat of Republican forces, France sinks into mediocrity and
Britain must contend with the mighty Austrian empire.
Published: In If It Had Happened Otherwise: Lapses Into Imaginary History, all
eds. (ed. J.C. Squire), q.v.
Original in: English.
Translation: German by Walter Brumm as "Wenn Drouets Karren steckengeblieben wäre", Wenn
Napoleon bei Waterloo gewonnen hätte. Und andere abwegige Geschichten (ed. J.C.
Squire), Heyne 1999 (3453149114).
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