Chesterton, G.K. "If Don John of Austria had Married Mary Queen of Scots"
What if: As the title says.
Summary: Essay on England's place in Christendom and whether it would have accepted a Scottish
Catholic queen and a Spanish prince-consort.
Published: In If It Had Happened Otherwise: Lapses Into Imaginary History, all
eds. (ed. J.C. Squire), q.v.; and The Common Man, Sheed & Ward 1950.
Original in: English.
Translation: German by Walter Brumm as "Wenn Don Juan d'Austria Maria Stuart geheiratet hätte",
in Wenn Napoleon bei Waterloo gewonnen hätte. Und andere abwegige Geschichten (ed.
J.C. Squire), Heyne 1999 (3453149114).
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