de Camp, L. Sprague. Aristotle and the Gun and Other Stories. Five Star 2002.
De Camp, L. Sprague. "Aristotle and the Gun"
Divergence: 343 BCE
What if: Aristotle abandoned the study of natural science.
Summary: Trying to teach Aristotle the scientific method, a time traveler instead overawes and
sours him on scientific research.
Published: In Astounding, February 1958; Gun for Dinosaur and Other Imaginative Tales,
Doubleday 1963; Alpha 3 (ed. Robert Silverberg), Ballantine 1972 (034502883X);
Analog: Writer's Choice, vol. 1 (ed. Stanley Schmidt), Davis/Dial 1983 (0385279132);
Space Mail Vol. II (eds. Isaac Asimov, Martin H. Greenberg and Joseph Olander), Fawcett
1982 (0449244814); Robert Adams' Book of Alternate Worlds (eds. Robert
Adams, Martin H. Greenberg, and Pamela Crippen Adams), q.v.; The Legend Book of Science
Fiction (ed. Gardner Dozois), Legend 1991 (0712650105, 0712648615), v.t. Modern
Classics of Science Fiction, St. Martin's 1992 (0312072384BUY), St. Martin's 1993
(0312088477BUY); Roads Not Taken: Tales of Alternate History (eds.
Gardner Dozois and Stanley Schmidt), q.v.; Aristotle and the Gun and Other Stories,
Five Star 2002 (0786243112BUY); Years in the Making: The Time-Travel Stories of L.
Sprague de Camp (ed. Mark L. Olson), NESFA 2005 (1886778477BUY); and
Futures Past (eds. Jack Dann and Gardner Dozois), q.v.
Original in: English.
Translation: German by Werner Fuchs as "Ein Yankee bei Aristoteles", in Ein Yankee bei
Aristoteles, Heyne 1980.
Uchronia is copyright © 1991-2025 Robert B. Schmunk