Resnick, Mike. "Bully!"
Divergence: 1910 CE
What if: When told during a 1910 safari that 50 white men would join him to tame Africa, Teddy
Roosevelt did not turn the offer down.
Summary: How TR tried to create a republic of the Congo, ousting the Belgians but ultimately
failing due to the non-democratic traditions of the natives.
Published: In Bully!, Axolotl 1990; Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine, September
1991; Bwana & Bully! (Tor SF Double #33), Tor 1991, 0812512464; Stalking the Wild
Resnick, NESFA 1991 (0915368455); and The Other Teddy Roosevelts, q.v.
Original in: English.
Translation: French by Jean-Marc Chambon as "Épatant", in Sous d'autres soleils,
Flammarion2001 (2080679953).
Translation: Italian by Nicola Fantini as "Bully!", in Nell'abisso di Olduvai, Nord 1997
Awards: Nominee: 1991 Hugo for best novella. Nominee: 1991 Nebula for best novella.
Uchronia is copyright © 1991-2025 Robert B. Schmunk