Roberts, Keith. "Weihnachtsabend"
Divergence: 1940 CE
What if: A junta overthrew George VI and Churchill in 1940, then made peace with the Axis.
Summary: A girl disappears during the joint celebration of Christmas and the Hunt on a British
Published: In New Worlds Quarterly No. 4 (ed. Michael Moorcock), Berkley 1972; The Grain
Kings, Hutchinson 1976; The Passing of the Dragons, Berkley/Medallion 1976
(0425034771); Hitler Victorious (eds. Gregory Benford and Martin H.
Greenberg), q.v.; The World Treasury of Science Fiction (ed. David G. Hartwell),
Little, Brown 1989 (0316349410), QPBC 1989; and The Mammoth Book of
Alternate Histories (eds. Ian Watson and Ian Whates), q.v.
Original in: English.
Translation: French by Michel Lederer as "Weinachtabend", in Histoire de la 4ègme
dimension (ed. unknown), Livre de Poche 1986 (2253032956).
Translation: German by Michael Nagula as "Weihnachtsabend", in Schöne verkehrte
Welt: Phantastische Geschichten zur Geschichte (ed. René Oth), q.v.
Translation: German by Tony Westermayr as "Weihnachtsabend", in Die neuen Götter, Goldmann 1979.
Translation: Spanish by Domingo Santos as "Weihnachtsabend", in Hitler
Victorioso (eds. Gregory Benford and Martin H. Greenberg), q.v.
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