Robinson, Kim Stanley. The Years of Rice and Salt. Bantam 2002.

Robinson, Kim Stanley. The Years of Rice and Salt. Hodder & Stoughton 2002.
Robinson, Kim Stanley. The Years of Rice and Salt
Divergence: c 1348 CE
What if: The Black Death was more virulent, killing over half of Europe, and was followed in
about 1400 by a "second wave" of plague which almost totally depopulated the continent.
Published: Bantam 2002 (0553109200BUY), 2003 (0553580078BUY); and HarperCollins UK 2002
(0002246791, 0002257483), 2003 (0006511481).
Publication note: Also known as A World Without Europe and The Road from Samarkand during development.
Original in: English.
Translation: Chinese by Li Yuliang and Liu Jianli as title unknown, Nova (New Star) Press 2008
Translation: Croatian by Nada Mihelcic as Godine rize i soli, Izvori 2003 (9532031669).
Translation: French by David Camus and Dominique Haas as Chroniques des Années Noires,
Presse de la Cité 2003 (2258060397), Pocket 2006 (2266147595).
Translation: Hungarian by Uram Tamás as A rizs és a só évei,
Metropolis könyvek 2009 (9639866407).
Translation: Italian by Barbara Corda and Francesca Toticchi as Gli anni del riso e del sale,
Newton Compton 2007 (8854107565).
Translation: Korean by Park Jong-Yoon as title unknown in two volumes, Yeolimwon 2007
(9788970635477, 9788970635484).
Translation: Polish by Łukasz Tabaka as Lata ryżu i soli,
Dolnośląskie 2007 (9788324585212).
Translation: Spanish by Franca Borsani as Tiempos de arroz y sal, Minotauro 2003 (8445074091),
2004 (9505470134BUY), 2005 (8445075543BUY), 2008 (8445077228).
Awards: Nominee: 2003 Hugo for best novel. Nominee: 2002 BSFA Award for best novel.
Uchronia is copyright © 1991-2025 Robert B. Schmunk