Somtow, S.P. The Aquiliad [vt The Aquiliad; Aquila in the New World]
Divergence: c 200 BCE
What if: Romans discovered the steam engine and conquered the world.
Summary: Farcical adventures of a Roman general in the Americas (Terra Novum) and his
entanglements with time guardians.
Published: Simon & Schuster/Timescape 1983 (0671454439). V.t. The Aquiliad: Aquila in the
New World, Ballantine/Del Rey 1988 (0345338677) Fixup of 1) "Aquila", in Isaac Asimov's
Science Fiction Magazine, Jan. 18, 1982 and Fire from the Wine Dark Sea, Donning 1983
(0898652529); 2) "Aquila the God", in Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction Magazine, April
1982; 3) "Aquila Meets Bigfoot", in Amazing Stories, January 1983; and 4) "Aquila: The
Final Conflict", in Amazing Stories, May 1983.
Original in: English.
Translation: German of "Aquila" by Ruediger Hipp as "Aquila", in Hiroshima soll
leben! Die schönsten Alternativwelt-Geschichten (ed. Karl Michael Armer), q.v.
Translation: Italian by Olivia Crosio as Aquiliade, Mondadori 1986.
Awards: "Aquila", nominee: 1983 Hugo for best novelette.
Somtow, S.P. The Aquiliad II: Aquila and the Iron Horse
Divergence: c 200 BCE
Published: Ballantine/Del Rey 1988 (0345338685).
Original in: English.
Translation: Italian by Gaetano Luigi Staffilano as Il ritorno di Aquila, Mondadori 1989.
Somtow, S.P. The Aquiliad III: Aquila and the Sphinx
Divergence: c 200 BCE
Published: Ballantine/Del Rey 1989 (0345347919).
Uchronia is copyright © 1991-2025 Robert B. Schmunk