Stableford, Brian. The Empire of Fear. Carroll & Graf 1991.
Stableford, Brian. The Empire of Fear
Divergence: c 450 CE
What if: Attila's horde brought real vampirism to Europe and the vampires took control, creating
the empires of Gaul and Walachia.
Summary: A 17th-century scientist's search for the secret of vampire immortality takes him to
central Africa, and to later confrontation with Dragulya.
Published: Simon & Schuster UK 1988 (0671699458); Pan 1990 (0330308742), 1991 (0330315757);
Carroll & Graf 1991 (0881847429BUY); BOMC 1992; BOMC/QPBC 1992; Ballantine 1993
Published: Expanded from "The Man who Loved the Vampire Lady", in The Magazine of Fantasy and
Science Fiction, August 1988; The Year's Best Science Fiction, Sixth Annual
Collection (ed. Gardner Dozois), St. Martin's 1989 (0312030096BUY, 0312030088BUY), v.t.
Best New SF 3, Robinson 1989 (1854870289); The Mammoth Book of Vampires (ed.
Stephen Jones), Robinson 1992 (1854871080), 2004 (1841199265), Carroll & Graf 1992
(0881847968BUY) 2003 (0739450514), Running Press (0786713720BUY); and Tomorrow Sucks
(eds. Greg Cox and T.K.F. Weisskopf), Baen 1994 (0671876260BUY).
Original in: English.
Translation: French of "The Man Who Loved the Vampire Lady" by Daniel Lemoine as "Les amours de la
femme vampire", in Fiction #407, Opta 1989.
Translation: German as Das Reich der Angst, Ullstein 1990 (3548224180).
Translation: Italian by Maurizio Carità as L'impero della paura, Mondadori 1992 (8804359609).
Translation: Polish as title unknown, publ. unknown 1993.
Translation: Portuguese by Trindade Santos as O Império do Medo, Clássica 1991.
Translation: Russian as title unknown, publ. unknown 1993.
Translation: Spanish as El Imperio del Miedo, Martínez Roca 1991.
Awards: Nominee: 1989 Arthur C. Clarke Award.
Uchronia is copyright © 1991-2025 Robert B. Schmunk