Swanwick, Michael. Jack Faust. Avon 1997.

Swanwick, Michael. Jack Faust. Translated to the French, Payot 1999.
Swanwick, Michael. Jack Faust
What if: Modern technology ws introduced into 16th century Europe.
Summary: A creature from another universe offers unlimited knowledge of science and technology
to Johannes Faust in hopes that humanity will use it to exterminate itself.
Comments: For some background discussion, see Charles N. Brown's "Michael Swanwick:
Of All Plausible Worlds",.
Published: Avon 1997 (0380974444BUY), 1998 (038079070XBUY); Orion 1997 (1857985176), 1998
Original in: English.
Translation: French by Jean-Pierre Pugi as Faust, Payot 1999 (2228892815), Livre de Poche 2001
Awards: Nominee: 1998 BSFA Award for best novel. Nominee: 1998 Hugo for best novel. Finalist:
1997 Sidewise Award for best long-form alternate history.
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