Tanner, Rachel. L'empreinte des Dieux. Oriflam 2000.
Tanner, Rachel. L'empreinte des Dieux
Title trans.: The Mark of the Gods
Divergence: 312 CE
What if: Constantine saw a vision of Mithra rather than Jesus before the battle of Milvian, and
so the Roman Empire came to be dominated by Mithraism rather than Christianity.
Summary: The story of two women in northwest Gaul four centuries later during a conflict between
the faiths, when priests of Mithra encourage the emperor to extinguish the threat of pagans
on the borders and the "old gods" call upon their supporters to resist Mithraism.
Series note: Indirect sequel is Le glaive de Mithra.
Published: Oriflam 2000 (2912979129), Imaginaires Sans Frontiègres 2002 (284727006X), and
Points 2007 (2757802224).
Original in: French.

Tanner, Rachel. Le glaive de Mithra. Imaginaires Sans Frontiègres 2005.
Tanner, Rachel. Le glaive de Mithra
Title trans.: The Sword of Mithra
Divergence: 312 CE
Summary: A witch-hunting Mithraist is dispatched to Rome to hunt out an heretical sect that
would open the gates of hell.
Series note: Indirect sequel to L'empreinte des Dieux.
Published: Imaginaires Sans Frontiègres 2005 (2847270132), Points 2007 (2757802232).
Original in: French.
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