Thurber, James. "If Grant Had Been Drinking at Appomattox"
Divergence: 1865 CE
What if: As the title says.
Summary: Grant gives his sword to Lee.
Published: In New Yorker 6 December 1930; The Middle-Aged Man on the Flying Trapeze,
Harper 1935, Amereon 1984 (0891902686); The Thurber Carnival, Harper 1945, Harper &
Row 1975 (0060904453), Franklin Library 1978-1980, Modern Library 1994 (0679600892BUY);
The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, February 1952; and Vintage Thurber,
Hamish Hamilton 1963.
Original in: English.
Translation: German by trans. unknown as "Wenn Grant bei Appomatox betrunken gewesen wäre",
in Alexanders langes Leben, Stalins früher Tod und andere abwegige
Geschichten: Erzaehlungen und Berichte aus Parallelwelten (ed. Erik Simon), q.v.
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