Trevelyan, G.M. "If Napoleon had Won the Battle of Waterloo"
Divergence: 1815 CE
What if: Blucher's breach of faith led to Napoleon's victory at "Mont St. Jean".
Summary: Despite the Napoleon of Peace, his former enemies maintain their standing armies,
stifling all reformist movements for decades.
Comments: Synopsis in Fadness's "What If Napoleon Had Won at Waterloo?".
Published: In Westminster Gazette, July 1907; Clio: A Muse, Longmans, Green 1913,
Longmans, Green 1930, and Books for Libraries 1968; Recent Essays (ed. W.A.J.
Archbold), Longmans, Green 1926; and If It Had Happened Otherwise: Lapses
Into Imaginary History, 1972, 1974 eds. (ed. J.C. Squire), q.v.
Original in: English.
Translation: German by Walter Brumm as "Wenn Napoleon die Schlacht von Waterloo gewonnen
hätte", in Heyne Science Fiction Magazin #10; and Wenn Napoleon bei Waterloo
gewonnen hätte. Und andere abwegige Geschichten (ed. J.C. Squire), Heyne 1999
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