Turner, Henry Ashby, Jr. Hitler's Thirty Days to Power: January 1933
Summary: Concluding chapter, "Determinacy, Contingency, and Responsibility", includes a
four-page discussion on what if a military junta supplanted the Weimar Republic. A war over
the Polish Corridor remained likely, but without British or French intervention, and the
world would never have heard of Auschwitz. This theme is developed much more extensively in
Turner's Geissel des Jahrhunderts: Hitler und seine Hinterlassenschaft, q.v.
Published: Bloomsbury 1996 (0747530041), 1997 (0747531714); Addison-Wesley 1996 (0201407140BUY),
1997 (0201328003BUY).
Original in: English.
Translation: German by the author as Hitler's Weg zur Macht: der Januar 1933, Luchterhand 1996
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