Waldrop, Howard. Them Bones. Ace 1984.
Waldrop, Howard. Them Bones
Divergence: c 1000 CE
Summary: Time travelers trying to avert World War III end up in wrong locales: one in right
time, wrong timeline; the rest vice versa.
Published: Ace 1984 (0441805574BUY); Ziesing 1989 (092948004XBUY, 0929480058); Legend 1989
(0712634266, 0712629440), 1993 (0099662108BUY).
Original in: English.
Translation: French by Michel Deutsch as Histoire d'os, La Découverte 1986 (270711586X);
J'ai Lu 1990 (2277227196); Gallimard/Folio 2001 (2070420248).
Translation: German by Margret Krätzig as Ihre Gebeine, Heyne 1996 (3453109333).
Translation: Italian by Delio Zinoni as Scheletri nel Mississippi, Mondadori 1985.
Awards: Nominee: 1985 Philip K. Dick Award.
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