Wilson, Robert Charles. Last Year
Divergence: 1875 CE
What if: Time travellers from approximately our present opened a time gate in mid 1870s
Illinois, creating a mixing point between between contemporaneous locals and tourists from
the future.
Summary: A local who has been hired to work security at the City of Futurity is tasked with
finding out who is smuggling guns from the future, and his role expands as letters to the
newspapers about the future begin to de-stabilize labor and racial politics.
Comments: Explicit allohistorical events are generally limited to the end of the book, as labor
riots and other civil unrest erupt, alsong with brief mention that James Garfield served
two full terms as preseident.
Published: Tor 2016 (0765332639BUY, 0765393301BUY).
Uchronia is copyright © 1991-2024 Robert B. Schmunk