Silverberg, Robert. The Gate of Worlds. Magnum 1980.
Silverberg, Robert. The Gate of Worlds
Divergence: 1348 CE
What if: The Black Plague of 1348 killed more than half of Europe, leaving it defenseless before
the invasion of the Ottoman Turks.
Series note: Short series which includes Silverberg's The Gate of Worlds and three stories
collected in Beyond the Gate of Worlds.

Silverberg, Robert. The Gate of Worlds. Tor 1984.
Silverberg, Robert. The Gate of Worlds
Divergence: 1348 CE
Summary: A young man from the Turkish backwater of London seeks his fortune in 1960s Aztec North
Published: Holt, Rinehart & Winston 1967 (0030637708); Gollancz 1978; Magnum 1980
(041704710X); Tor 1984 (081255454XBUY, 0812554558BUY), 1993 (0812514394BUY); iBooks 2005
Original in: English.
Translation: French by Annie Saumont as La porte des mondes, R. Laffont 1977, Presses pocket
1982 (2266011030), Pocket Classiques 1999 (2266088432).
Translation: German by Thomas Ziegler as Auf zu Hesperiden!, Knaur 1982 (3426057522).

Silverberg, Robert (ed.). Beyond the Gate of Worlds. Tor 1991.
Silverberg, Robert. Beyond the Gate of Worlds
Summary: Short anthology containing three stories in Silverberg's Gate of Worlds, including
Silverberg's "Lion Time in Timbuctoo", John Brunner's "At the Sign of the
Rose" and Chelsea Quinn Yarbro's "An Exaltation of Spiders".
Published: Tor 1991 (0812554442BUY).
Silverberg, Robert. "Lion Time in Timbuctoo"
Divergence: 1348 CE
Summary: Diplomatic intrigue is rife as the Emir of Songhay lies dying.
Series note: A Gate of Worlds story.
Published: In Lion Time in Timbuctoo, Axolotl 1990; Isaac Asimov's Science Fiction
Magazine, October 1990; Beyond the Gate of Worlds, Tor 1991 (0812554442); and
The Way It Wasn't: Great Science Fiction Stories of Alternate History
(ed. Martin H. Greenberg), q.v.
Original in: English.
Translation: French by Hélègne Collon as "Tombouctou à l'heure du lion", in
Le nez de Cléopâtre, q.v.
Brunner, John. "At the Sign of the Rose"
Divergence: 1348 CE
Summary: The Tsar of Russia dies under suspicious circumstances; six travelers tell their tales
at a Krakow inn.
Series note: In same timeline as Silverberg's The Gate of Worlds.
Published: In Beyond the Gate of Worlds (ed. Robert Silverberg), Tor 1991 (0812554442).
Yarbro, Chelsea Quinn. "An Exaltation of Spiders"
Divergence: 1348 CE
Summary: The True Inca, seeking a solution to possible invasion by the False Inca of Brazil,
sends a mission to the Maori nation.
Series note: In same timeline as Silverberg's The Gate of Worlds.
Published: In Beyond the Gate of Worlds (ed. Robert Silverberg), Tor 1991 (0812554442).
Uchronia is copyright © 1991-2025 Robert B. Schmunk