In German
Items originally published in this language or in translation.
Found 267 matches; displaying matches 1-100.
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Aldiss, Brian W. "Matrix" [vt "Danger: Religion!"]
Amery, Carl. An den Feuern der Leyermark: Roman
Amery, Carl. Das Königsprojekt: Roman
Anderson, Poul. "Delenda Est"
Anderson, Poul. A Midsummer Tempest
Anderson, Poul. Operation Chaos
Anderson, Poul. The Shield of Time
Anderson, Poul. The Time Patrol
Andert, Reinhold. Rote Wende: Wie die Ossis die Wessis besiegten
Armer, Karl Michael (ed.). Hiroshima soll leben! Die schönsten Alternativwelt-Geschichten
Aron, Robert. Victoire à Waterloo
Attanasio, A.A. In Other Worlds
Bailey, Hilary. "The Fall of Frenchy Steiner"
Barnes, John. Kaleidoscope Century
Basil, Otto. Wenn das der Führer wüßte
Baxter, Stephen. Anti-Ice
Baxter, Stephen. The Time Ships
Baxter, Stephen. Voyage
Bear, Greg. Eon
Bear, Greg. Eternity
Belloc, Hilaire. "If Drouet's Cart had Stuck"
Benford, Gregory. Timescape
Bensen, D.R. And Having Writ…
Bester, Alfred. "The Men Who Murdered Mohammed"
Binet, Laurent. Civilizations
Bishop, Michael. The Secret Ascension; or, Philip K. Dick is Dead, Alas [vt Philip K. Dick is Dead, Alas]
Blumenberg, Hans C. "Und wenn er nicht gestorben ist…"
Boeheim, Carl von. Die Kaisersaga: Utopia Austriaca
Böhme, Gernot, Wolfgang van den Daele, and Wolfgang Krohn. "Alternativen in der Wissenschaft"
Boyd, John. The Last Starship from Earth
Bradbury, Ray. "A Sound of Thunder"
Brodersen, Kai (ed.). Virtuelle Antike. Wendepunkte der Alten Geschichte
Brown, Fredric. What Mad Universe
Brunner, John. Times Without Number
Cajani, Luigi. "Die Zeitmaschine: Anmerkungen zu einem Benutzerhandbuch"
Card, Orson Scott. Alvin Journeyman
Card, Orson Scott. Prentice Alvin
Card, Orson Scott. Red Prophet
Card, Orson Scott. Seventh Son
Carey, Jacqueline. Kushiel's Dart
Chabon, Michael. The Yiddish Policemen's Union
Chandler, A. Bertram. Kelly Country
Chesterton, G.K. "If Don John of Austria had Married Mary Queen of Scots"
Christensen, Ole C., and Niels Søndergaard. 1. Maj Mysteriet
Christensen, Ole C., and Niels Søndergaard. Den Anden Præsident
Churchill, Winston S. "If Lee had not Won the Battle of Gettysburg"
Cowley, Robert (ed.). What If? The World's Foremost Military Historians Imagine What Might Have Been
Cox, Irving E., Jr. "In the Circle of Nowhere"
De Camp, L. Sprague. "Aristotle and the Gun"
Deighton, Len. SS-GB: Nazi-Occupied Britain 1941
Demandt, Alexander. "Statt Rom: ein historisches Gedankenspiel"
Demandt, Alexander. Ungeschehene Geschichte: Ein Traktat über die Frage, Was wäre geschehen, wenn…?
Dick, Philip K. The Man in the High Castle
Disraeli, Benjamin. The Wondrous Tale of Alroy [vt Alroy: or, The Prince of the Captivity, a Wondrous Tale]
Ditfurth, Christian von. Der Consul
Ditfurth, Christian von. Das Luxemburg-Komplott
Ditfurth, Christian von. Die Mauer steht am Rhein: Deutschland nach dem Sieg des Sozialismus
Effinger, George Alec. "Target: Berlin! The Role of the Air Force Four-Door Hardtop"
Eklund, Gordon. "The Rising of the Sun"
Elgin, Suzette Haden. "Hush My Mouth"
Erwes, Walther. "Der tod des Archimedes"
Evans, Christopher. Aztec Century
Farmer, Philip José. "Sail On, Sail On"
Ferguson, Niall (ed.). Virtual History: Alternatives and Counterfactuals
Fforde, Jasper. The Eyre Affair
Fischer, Thomas Erdmann. "Warum es wichtig ist, Hitlers vorzeitiges Ende umzudefinieren: ein Plädoyer für die alternativhistorische Methode"
Fisher, H.A.L. "If Napoleon had Escaped to America"
Fry, Stephen. Making History
Garrett, Randall. "A Case of Identity"
Garrett, Randall. "The Eyes Have It"
Garrett, Randall. "The Ipswich Phial"
Garrett, Randall. Lord Darcy Investigates
Garrett, Randall. "A Matter of Gravity"
Garrett, Randall. "The Muddle of the Woad"
Garrett, Randall. Murder and Magic
Garrett, Randall. "The Napoli Express"
Garrett, Randall. "The Sixteen Keys"
Garrett, Randall. "A Stretch of the Imagination"
Garrett, Randall. Too Many Magicians
Gentle, Mary. Ash: A Secret History
Gentle, Mary. Carthage Ascendant: The Book of Ash, #2
Gentle, Mary. Lost Burgundy: The Book of Ash, #4
Gentle, Mary. A Secret History: The Book of Ash, #1
Gentle, Mary. The Wild Machines: The Book of Ash, #3
Geus, Klaus. "Hitlers vergeblicher Kampf. Ein Beitrag zum Thema Nationalismus und Science Fiction"
Gibson, William, and Bruce Sterling. The Difference Engine
Gibson, William. "The Gernsback Continuum"
Giordano, Ralph. Wenn Hitler den Krieg gewonnen hätte: Die Plane der Nazis nach dem Endsig
Grimwood, Ken. Replay
Guedalla, Philip. "If the Moors in Spain had Won"
Hahn, Ronald M., and Harald Pusch. Die Temponauten: science fiction-roman
Hahn, Ronald M. "Hey, Mr. Spaceman"
Hahn, Ronald M. Socialdemokraten auf dem Monde: eine Weltraum-Clamotte
Haiblum, Isidore. The Tsaddik of the Seven Wonders
Halström, F.M. "No Future"
Hammerschmitt, Marcus. Polyplay
Harris, Robert. Fatherland
Harrison, Harry, and John Holm. The Hammer and the Cross
Harrison, Harry, and John Holm. Hammer and the Cross Trilogy
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