Search Results

Found 159 matches; displaying matches 101-159.

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Newman, Kim. "Slow News Day"

Nicholas, Herbert N. "Hail Our Britannic Bicentennial"

Novik, Naomi. His Majesty's Dragon [vt Temeraire]

O'Connell, Robert L. "The Great War Torpedoed"

Percy, H.R. "Letter from America"

Perret, Bryan. "Operation Sphinx: Raeder's Mediterranean Strategy"

Powlesland, Aidan. "Prelude to War: Poland, pivot of history: 1st August 1939-1 November 1939"

Priest, Christopher. The Separation

Raine, Craig. 1953

Ratnu, Inder Dan. Alternative to Chruchill: The Eternal Bondage

Richards, John Thomas. "Minor Alteration"

Riddell, Peter. "What if Britain had entered the common market in 1957?"

Roberts, Andrew (ed.). What Might Have Been: Leading Historians on Twelve 'What Ifs' of History

Roberts, Andrew. "Hitler's England: What if Germany had invaded Britain in May 1940?"

Roberts, Andrew. "The Whale Against the Wolf: The Anglo-American War of 1896"

Roberts, Andrew. "What if we had lost the Falklands?"

Roberts, Andrew. "What would have happen(ed) if Britain still did rule America?"

Roberts, Keith. "Brother John"

Roberts, Keith. "Coda"

Roberts, Keith. "Lords and Ladies"

Romano, Deane. Flight from Time One

Roy, Archie. All Evil Shed Away

Rubin, Gareth. Liberation Square

Russell, Ray. Princess Pamela, Being the Personal Journal of Miss Pamela Summerfield of Berkley Square, Mayfair, London

Sanders, William. "Empire"

Saville, Guy. The Afrika Reich

Shainblum, Mark, and Gabriel Morrissette. "The Infinite Man"

Shimmin, Graeme. A Kill in the Morning

Shwartz, Susan. "Count of the Saxon Shore"

Skeet, Michael. "Near Enough to Home"

Squire, J.C. "What Might Have Happened"

Stableford, Brian. "Inside Out"

Stasheff, Christopher. Her Majesty's Wizard

Stevens, Gordon. And All the King's Men

Stirling, S.M. "Cops and Robbers"

Stirling, S.M. The Domination of the Draka

Stocco, Giampetro. Dalle mie Ceneri

Stross, Charles. The Hidden Family

Swendson, Shanna. Rebel Mechanics

Thayer, James Stewart. S-Day: A Memoir of the Invasion of England

Thomas, Donald. Prince Charlie's Bluff

Tregillis, Ian. Bitter Seeds

Tregillis, Ian. The Coldest War

Tsouras, Peter G. (ed.). Third Reich Victorious: Alternate Decisions of World War II

Tsouras, Peter G. Bayonets, Balloons, and Ironclads: Britain and France Take Sides with the South

Tsouras, Peter G. Britannia's Fist Trilogy

Tsouras, Peter G. "Rommel versus Zhukov: Decision in the East, 1944-1945"

Turtledove, Harry. Curious Notions

Turtledove, Harry. The Great War: American Front

Turtledove, Harry. In the Presence of Mine Enemies

Vanauken, Sheldon. "The World After the South Won"

Walters, Guy. The Leader

Walton, Jo. Half a Crown

Walton, Jo. My Real Children

Walton, Jo. Small Change

Weber, Dave, and Jacob Holo. The Gordian Protocol

Welch, Patrick. The Casebook of Doakes and Haig

Wildavsky, Aaron. "What If the U.S. Had Had One Law for Its Allies and Another for Its Adversaries? The Suez Crisis (1956)."

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