Divergence Chronology

Total of 2215 entries in the chronology; displaying entries 501-750.

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1491 — Turtledove, Harry. "Report of the Special Committee on the Quality of Life"

1492 — Coulson, Robert. "Soy la Libertad!"

1492 — Pignotti, Lorenzo. Storia della Toscana sino al principato: con diversi saggi sulle scienze, lettere e arti

1492 — Malzberg, Barry N. "Ship Full of Jews"

1492 — Teng, Tais. Aan de Oevers van de Nacht

1492 — Kurland, Michael. Perchance

1492 — Teng, Tais. "Bevers voeren"

1492 — Teng, Tais. "Alle namen in het zonlicht"

1492 — Stocco, Giampietro. Nuovo Mondo

1492 — Yarbro, Chelsea Quinn. Ariosto: Ariosto Furioso, A Romance for an Alternative Renaissance

1492 — Belyeu, Sheralyn Schofield. "The Aztec Supremacist"

1492 — Chamberlin, Joseph Edgar. "If Columbus Had Kept His Straight Course Westward"

1492 — Charmatz, A. "Sailing Through Program Management"

1492 — Teng, Tais. "Een dukaat voor de veerman"

1492 — Teng, Tais. "Hoe de wijze handelt"

1492 — Friesner, Esther M. "Such a Deal"

1492 — Teng, Tais. De Gunsteling van Sedna

1492 — Ray, Jonathan. "What if King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella had not expelled the Jews of Spain in 1492?"

1492 — Teng, Tais. "De Priesteres van Sedna"

1492 — Card, Orson Scott. Pastwatch: The Redemption of Christopher Columbus

1492 — Wentworth, K.D. This Fair Land

1492 — Gorodischer, Angélica. "De navegantes"

1492 — Herløv Petersen, Arne. "Søfærden til Cipangu"

1492 — Charmatz, A. "A Second Chance"

1497 — Labbé, Denis. "Milano"

1497 — Hite, Kenneth, Craig Neumeier, and Michael Schiffer. "Shikaku-mon"

1500 — Fabra, Nilo Maria. "Cuatro siglos de buen gobierno"

c1500 — Lovegrove, James. Provender Gleed

c1500 — Bishop, Michael. "And the Marlin Spoke"

c1500 — Lake, Jay. "The Cleansing Fire of God"

1501 — Cooper, Katy. Prince of Hearts

1502 — Schaffler González, Federico. "Crónica del Quincunce"

1502 — Amis, Kingsley. The Alteration

1513 — White, Steve. Saint Antony's Fire

c1517 — Amery, Carl. Das Königsprojekt: Roman

1517 — Harrison, Harry. "The Wicked Flee"

1519 — Pereira, Carla Cristina. "Se Cortez Houvesse Vencido a Peleja de Cozumel"

1519 — Reynolds, Mack, and Dean Ing. The Other Time

1520 — Card, Orson Scott. "The Yazoo Queen"

1520 — Evans, Christopher. Aztec Century

1520 — Card, Orson Scott. Tales of Alvin Maker

1520 — Card, Orson Scott. Prentice Alvin

c1520 — Foster, Sesshu. Atomik Aztex

1520 — Card, Orson Scott. Heartfire

1520 — Card, Orson Scott. Hatrack River

1520 — Morganfield, T.L. "The Place that Makes You Happiest"

1520 — Morganfield, T.L. "Night Bird Soaring"

1520 — Linaweaver, Brad. "The Bison Riders"

1520 — Card, Orson Scott. "Grinning Man"

1520 — Buckell, Tobias. "The People's Machine"

1520 — Oltion, Jerry. "Red Alert"

c1520 — Traviss, Karen. "The Chocolate Kings"

1520 — Card, Orson Scott, and Roland Bernard Brown. Red Prophet: The Tales of Alvin Maker

1520 — Card, Orson Scott. Alvin Journeyman

1520 — Card, Orson Scott. Seventh Son

1520 — Wilder, Cherry. "Kaleidoscope"

1520 — Card, Orson Scott. The Crystal City

1520 — Morganfield, T.L. The One World

1520 — Card, Orson Scott. Red Prophet

c1520 — Von der Dunk, Thomas. Buren. Een alternatieve geschiedenis van Duitsland/Nederland

1521 — Parker, Geoffrey. "Martin Luther Burns at the Stake, 1521"

1521 — Hassis, Ross. "The Immolation of Hernàn Cortés: Tenochtitlan, June 30, 1521"

1521 — Herløv Petersen, Arne. "En flue på væggen"

c1525 — Turtledove, Harry. The Wages of Sin

1527 — Blom, Suzanne Allés. Inca: The Scarlet Fringe

1527 — Flynn, Michael F. "On the Wings of a Butterfly"

1533 — Stableford, Brian. "The Philosopher's Stone"

1534 — Skipper, Jon Bloch. "Fra Papegøjekonge til Rigshofmester"

1536 — Andersen, Laura. The Boleyn King

1536 — Andersen, Laura. The Virgin's Spy

1536 — Andersen, Laura. The Virgin's War

1536 — Saberhagen, Fred. The Mask of the Sun

1536 — Andersen, Laura. The Virgin's Daughter

1536 — Andersen, Laura. The Boleyn Reckoning

1536 — Andersen, Laura. Tudor Legacy

1536 — Andersen, Laura. The Boleyn Deceit

1536 — Kress, Nancy. "And Wild for to Hold"

1549 — Hanmura Ryo. Sengoku jieitai

1550 — Maltaite, Eric, and Serge Desberg. 421: Les enfants de la porte

c1550 — Chamberlin, Joseph Edgar. "If the Philharmonia Had Not Given Concerts at Vicenza"

1553 — Stableford, Brian. "The Plurality of Worlds"

1553 — O'Brien, Judith. Timeless Love

1554 — King, Tappan. "The Crimson Rose"

1562 — Whitbourn, John. A Dangerous Energy

1562 — Whitbourn, John. Continuum

1562 — Whitbourn, John. To Build Jerusalem

c1565 — Chamberlin, Joseph Edgar. "If Queen Elizabeth Had Left a Son or Daughter"

1571 — Vaquerizo, Eduardo. Danza de tinieblas

1578 — Finch, Sheila. "If There Be Cause"

1583 — Herløv Petersen, Arne. "Håbet er grønt"

1584 — Von der Dunk, Thomas. Buren. Een alternatieve geschiedenis van Duitsland/Nederland

1586 — Scott, Melissa, and Lisa A. Barnett. Armor of Light

1586 — Alford, Stephen. The Watchers: A Secret History of the Reign of Elizabeth I

1587 — Leiber, Fritz. "No Great Magic"

1588 — Parker, Geoffroy. "The Repulse of the English Fireships: The Spanish Armada Triumphs, August 8, 1588"

1588 — Roberts, Keith. "The Lady Margaret" [vt "The Lady Anne"]

1588 — Roberts, Keith. "Lords and Ladies"

1588 — Andrews, Keith William. Freedom's Rangers #5: Sink the Armada!

1588 — Chamberlin, Joseph Edgar. "If the Spanish Armada Had Sailed at Its Appointed Time"

1588 — Roberts, Keith. "Brother John"

1588 — Roberts, Keith. "Coda"

1588 — Somerset, Anne. "The Spanish Armada Lands in England"

1588 — Brunner, John. Times Without Number

1588 — Roberts, Keith. "Corfe Gate"

1588 — Roberts, Keith. "The White Boat"

1588 — González, Javier. Un día de gloria

1588 — Turtledove, Harry. Ruled Britannia

1588 — Eisenstein, Phyllis. Shadow of Earth

1588 — Parker, Geoffrey. "If the Armada Had Landed"

1588 — Roberts, Keith. "The Signaller"

1588 — Roberts, Keith. Pavane

1591 — Sanders, William. "The Undiscovered"

1593 — Schweitzer, Darrell. "Sweep Me to My Revenge!"

c1600 — Anderson, Poul. A Midsummer Tempest

1601 — McManus, Lily. The Professor in Erin

1605 — Fraser, Antonia. "The Gunpowder Plot Succeeds"

1605 — Jones, Diana Wynne. Witch Week

1605 — Chamberlin, Joseph Edgar. "If Champlain Had Tarried in Plymouth Bay"

c1607 — Holford, Castello N. Aristopia. A Romance-History of the New World

1610 — Richard-Bessiègre, F. Croisiègre dans le temps

1610 — Corbeil, Pierre. La concession

1610 — Lourbet, François André. Sortilege Temporel (le temps des mensonges…).

1617 — Stirling, S.M. Conquistador

1618 — Fuentègs, Roland. "Quelques épluchures de politique"

1620 — Rabb, Theodore K. "Might the Mayflower Not Have Sailed?"

1626 — Butler, Ron. "What Number are You Calling?"

1631 — Flint, Eric, and Virginia DeMarce. 1634: The Ram Rebellion

1631 — Flint, Eric (ed.). Ring of Fire

1631 — Flint, Eric, and Andrew Dennis. 1635: Cannon Law

1631 — Flint, Eric (ed.). Grantville Gazette V

1631 — Flint, Eric. 1632

1631 — Weber, David, and Eric Flint. 1633

1631 — Flint, Eric, and Virginia DeMarce. 1635: The Dreeson Incident

1631 — Flint, Eric (ed.). Grantville Gazette IV

1631 — Flint, Eric (ed.). The Grantville Gazette

1631 — Weber, David, and Eric Flint. 1634: The Baltic War

1631 — Flint, Eric, and Andrew Dennis. 1634: The Galileo Affair

1631 — Flint, Eric, and Virginia DeMarce. 1634: The Bavarian Crisis

1631 — Flint, Eric (ed.). Ring of Fire II

1631 — Flint, Eric (ed.). Grantville Gazette II

1631 — Flint, Eric (ed.). Grantville Gazette III

1632 — Yoshinaga, Fumi. Ōoku

1641 — Adamson, John. "King Charles I Wins the English Civil War"

1641 — Rabb, Theodore K. "If Charles I had Not Left Whitehall, August 1641"

1641 — Adamson, John. "England without Cromwell: What if Charles I had avoided the Civil War?"

1645 — Jeapes, Ben. The New World Order

1647 — Lodi-Ribeiro, Gerson. "Pátrias de Chuteiras"

1647 — Lodi-Ribeiro, Gerson. "Gigante dos Pés de Barro"

1647 — Lodi-Ribeiro, Gerson. "Capitão Diabo das Gerais"

1647 — Lodi-Ribeiro, Gerson. A Traição de Palmares

1647 — Lodi-Ribeiro, Gerson. Three Brazils

1647 — Lodi-Ribeiro, Gerson. "Assessor Para Assuntos Fúnebres"

1647 — Lodi-Ribeiro, Gerson. "O Vampiro de Nova Holanda"

1649 — Whitbourn, John. Royal Changeling

c1655 — Chamberlin, Joseph Edgar. "If Charles II Had Accepted the Kingship of Virginia"

1658 — Brennert, Alan, and Norm Breyfogle. Batman: Holy Terror

1660 — Ackroyd, Peter. Milton in America

c1660 — Talbot, Bryan. The Adventures of Luther Arkwright

c1665 — Chamberlin, Joseph Edgar. "If Admiral Penn Had Persisted in Disowning His Son William"

1665 — Green, Martin. The Earth Again Redeemed: May 26 to July 1, 1984, on This Earth of Ours and Its Alter Ego

1666 — Goldstein, Lisa. "Split Light"

1666 — Garrett, Randall. "Gentlemen: Please Note"

1670 — Snodgrass, Melinda M. Queen's Gambit Declined

1671 — Tregillis, Ian. The Rising

1671 — Tregillis, Ian. The Mechanical

1671 — Tregillis, Ian. The Liberation

1671 — Tregillis, Ian. The Alchemy Wars

1674 — Van Loon, Hendrik Willem. "If the Dutch had Kept Nieuw Amsterdam"

1676 — Larsson, Göran. "När söra Sverige åter blev östra Danmark"

1681 — Keyes, J. Gregory. The Shadows of God

1681 — Keyes, J. Gregory. Age of Unreason

1681 — Keyes, J. Gregory. "An Air of Deception"

1681 — Keyes, J. Gregory. Empire of Unreason

1681 — Keyes, J. Gregory. A Calculus of Angels

1681 — Keyes, J. Gregory. Newton's Cannon

1683 — Khoury, Raymond. The Ottomon Secret [vt Empire of Lies]

1685 — Norton, Andre, and Rosemary Edghill. The Shadow of Albion

1685 — Norton, Andre, and Rosemary Edghill. Carolus Rex

1688 — Hite, Kenneth, Craig Neumeier, and Michael Schiffer. "Aeolus"

1689 — White, Steve. Her Majesty's American

1693 — McIntyre, Vonda N. The Moon and the Sun

1697 — Peirce, Hayford. Napoleon Disentimed

c 1700 — Mackay, Malcolm. A Line of Forgotten Blood

c 1700 — Mackay, Malcolm. In the Cage Where Your Saviours Hide

1710 — Burroughs, William S. Cities of the Red Night

1720 — Baxter, Stephen. Anti-Ice

1720 — Baxter, Stephen. "The Ice War"

1735 — Murrin, John M. "No Awakening, No Revolution? More Counterfactual Speculations"

1737 — Benét, Stephen Vincent. "The Curfew Tolls"

1742 — Chamberlin, Joseph Edgar. "If the Boy George Washington Had Become a British Midshipman"

1745 — Petrie, Charles. "If: A Jacobite Fantasy"

1745 — Stross, Charles. Empire Games

1745 — Stross, Charles. Invisible Sun

1745 — Stross, Charles. The Merchants' War

1745 — Stross, Charles. Dark State

1745 — Cobley, Michael. "The Intrigue of the Battered Box"

1745 — Stross, Charles. The Trade of Queens

1745 — Stross, Charles. The Hidden Family

1745 — Stross, Charles. The Clan Corporate

1745 — Stross, Charles. The Revolution Business

1746 — Carl, Lillian Stewart. "Over the Sea from Skye"

1746 — Aiken, Joan. Cold Shoulder Road

1746 — Aiken, Joan. The Stolen Lake

1746 — Aiken, Joan. Dido and Pa

1746 — Aiken, Joan. The Cuckoo Tree

1746 — Aiken, Joan. Is [vt Is Underground]

1746 — Aiken, Joan. Black Hearts in Battersea

1746 — Aiken, Joan. The Wolves of Willoughby Chase

1746 — Aiken, Joan. Nightbirds on Nantucket

1746 — Aiken, Joan. Wolves Chronicles

1746 — Aiken, Joan. Limbo Lodge [vt Dangerous Games]

1748 — Mauméjean, Xavier. La Vénus anatomique

c1750 — Utley, Steven, and Howard Waldrop. "Custer's Last Jump"

1751 — Barnes, John. Washington's Dirigible

1758 — Thomas, Donald. Prince Charlie's Bluff

1759 — Duncan, Dave. "For the Want of a Nail"

1759 — Borden, Morton. "1759: What If Canada Had Remained French?"

1759 — Hertel, François. "Lepic et l'histoire hypothétique"

1759 — Percy, H.R. "Letter from America"

1760 — Davidson, Avram. "O Brave New World!"

1762 — Thompson, Roger. "If I had been… the Earl of Sherburne in 1762-5"

1763 — Stirling, S.M. "Cops and Robbers"

1764 — Barnard, Robert. Dead, Mr. Mozart

1764 — Barnard, Robert. Mozart Mysteries

1764 — Barnard, Robert. Too Many Notes, Mr. Mozart

c1765 — Flynn, Michael F. "Forest of Time"

1766 — Carr, Caleb. "William Pitt the Elder and the Avoidance of the American Revolution"

1767 — Dutourd, Jean. Le feld-maréchal von Bonaparte (considération sur les causes de la grandeur des Français et de leur décadence).

1768 — MacLeod, Ian R. The House of Storms

1768 — MacLeod, Ian R. "The Bonny Boy"

1768 — MacLeod, Ian R. The Light Ages

1769 — Atiyah, Edward. The Eagle Flies from England

1770 — Grenier Christian. "L'Australie? C'est une autre histoire!"

c1772 — Foster, Alan Dean. "Polonaise"

1772 — Langkjær, Michael A. "Min Vilje er min Skæbne"

1772 — Chamberlin, Joseph Edgar. "If Alexander Hamilton Had Not Written About the Hurricane"

1773 — Pervuhin, Mikhail. Пугачёв-победитель [Pugachev — Pobeditel]

c1773 — Sverzhin, Vladimir. Trekhglavii orel

1774 — Wright, Esmond. "If I had been… Benjamin Franklin in the Early 1770s"

1774 — Rusch, Kristine Kathryn. "Common Sense"

c1775 — Cremer, Andrea. The Conjurer's Riddle

1775 — Wentz, Richard E. "Reflections of a Rebellion Averted"

c1775 — Cremer, Andrea. The Turncoat's Gambit

1775 — Berman-Gorvine, Martin. Save the Dragons!

c1775 — Sterling, Bruce, and Lewis Shiner. "Mozart in Mirrorshades"

c1775 — Cremer, Andrea. The Inventor's Secret

1776 — Green, Roland J. "Written by the Wind"

1776 — Stirling, S.M. The Domination of the Draka

1776 — Maurois, André. "If Louis XVI had an Atom of Firmness"

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